Espíritu Emprendedor TES 2019, Vol 3, No. 3, julio-septiembre 115-131
Artículo de Científico
Finalmente, se concluyó que es importante que las empresas desarrollen estrategias de
marketing para poder posicionar su marca por sobre todos sus competidores, haciendo de está
algo único y auténtico, en base a la aplicación de planes de marketing y posicionamiento, con
procedimientos cuyos resultados faciliten a los directivos a la toma de decisiones futuras y por
ende llevar una adecuada administración.
Palabras claves: Marketing, posicionamiento, empresas, marca, mercado.
This article aimed to analyze the marketing as a tool for the positioning of the companies in the
market, since the positioning is critical to the success of any company. Within the scope of the
investigation was designed to provide better services to the customers with quality products,
through better positioning of the companies in the market.
The methodology used includes a type exploratory or qualitative research and the conclusive
or quantitative, was also established as main methods the inductive and deductive; as well as
direct observation techniques and surveys that is applied to a sample of 264 executives of the
companies of the city of Loja.
In terms of the results it was determined the importance of marketing as one of the main points
in enterprises for the positioning of your brand in the market and in the minds of consumers,
being the correct application of this tool one of the challenges of the administrators to keep the
companies in the market. So, it was determined that companies through marketing can ensure
that your brand is accepted by consumers, since market research make it easy to create products
subject to the needs of customers.
Finally, it was concluded that it is important that companies develop marketing strategies to be
able to position your brand across all of its competitors, making of is something unique and
authentic, based on the application of marketing and positioning plans, with procedures whose
results provided to managers to future decision-making and therefore carry a proper
Key words: Marketing, positioning, business, brand, market.