La responsabilidad social y su importancia para crear destinos turísticos más amigables

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Maria Fernanda Narváez Peña
Paúl Alonso Salinas Jumbo


The lack of knowledge about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how this behavior can contribute to the development of a community and this at the same time to the creation of more friendly tourist destinations, has motivated that this article aims to analyze the importance of corporate social responsibility to create more friendly tourist destinations.


To address this issue, the main authors that contributed to the evolution of the concept of social responsibility were made known from the first CSR concept; It was also established how tourism contributes to the development of a locality and what special characteristics the destinations have to be considered friendly.


Reference was made as the social objectives of social responsibility adhere to or are similar to the objectives sought by tourism in development issues for the locality where this activity is exercised, it is also evident that when adopting CSR initiatives of its own helps the inhabitants of a specific sector to understand the importance of tourism development. All the arguments lead to the great conclusion that being social responsibility a voluntary act by companies with the environment where they operate give a plus to this behavior, are the companies operating in the tourism sector calls to implement social initiatives that help the villager to observe the before and after the application of the RSC, developing a degree of wide acceptance to the operation of these socially responsible tourism companies and incorporating the acceptance and work together to make your locality stop being a Normal tourist destination and pass make a tourist destination friendly.


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How to Cite
Narváez Peña, M. F., & Salinas Jumbo, P. A. . (2019). La responsabilidad social y su importancia para crear destinos turísticos más amigables. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(2), 39–48.
Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Narváez Peña, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Ingeniera en Administración Turística. Magister en Gestión de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

Docente de la Universidad Nacional De Loja, Ecuador. 

Paúl Alonso Salinas Jumbo, Universidad Técnica Particular De Loja, Ecuador

Ingeniero Forestal. Estudiante de la Maestría en Biología de la Conservación y Ecología Tropical de la  Universidad Técnica Particular De Loja, Ecuador



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