El uso de las TIC en la formación de conceptos matemáticos

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Miraida Ferras
Wilber Garcés
Ismael Tamayo


The objective of the research was the modes of action to define concepts with the use of ICT, which favors the development of professional pedagogical skills in students. In particular, it shows the authors' experience in harnessing the potential of ICT for the study of the concept of continuous function in one point, corresponds to the Mathematical Analysis discipline, in the second year of the initial training of the Graduate in Mathematics-Physics Education at the University of Holguin, through the use of an interactive web page created by the second author of this paper.  The experience was part of the research carried out by a group of teachers as part of the institutional project related to the initial training of the Graduate in MathematicsPhysics Education at the University of Holguin.  The methodology used was based on action research, through the creation and implementation of innovative proposals to use ICT. This has been accomplished from the argumentation of a methodological proposal for the use of ICT and possible alternatives in the classroom, based on the determination of the potentialities and limitations derived from the diagnosis.  Through observation, the survey application and the entrance and exit tests are in the understanding of the same. The organization of students by teams or small groups, for the development of classes and the accomplishment of the different tasks interacting with the use of ICT, favored a cooperative learning and communication among students.


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How to Cite
Ferras, M., Garcés, W., & Tamayo, I. (2017). El uso de las TIC en la formación de conceptos matemáticos. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 1(4), 29–44. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v1.n4.2017.23
Author Biographies

Miraida Ferras, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba

Bachelor of Education from the José de la Luz y Caballero Higher Pedagogical Institute of Holguín. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences with more than 35 years of professional experience as a Mathematics teacher. Experience in advising on Master's and Doctorate degree Thesis. He has participated in several scientific events related to the Teaching of Mathematics. He has specialized in ICT use issues.

Wilber Garcés, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba

Bachelor of Education from the José de la Luz y Caballero Higher Pedagogical Institute of Holguín. He has participated in several scientific events related to Informatics.

Ismael Tamayo, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba

Bachelor of Education from the José de la Luz y Caballero Higher Pedagogical Institute of Holguín. Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences with more than 35 years of professional experience as a Philosophy teacher in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Experience in advising on Master's and Doctorate degree Thesis. He has participated in several scientific events related to the Teaching of Philosophy.


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Vigotsky, L. S. (1989). Pensamiento y Lenguaje. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación.