Experiencias agroecológicas para el mejoramiento de suelos en el huerto orgánico de la UIDE, campus matriz
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Agriculture free of agro toxics requires a focus on microbes, minerals and organic matter, (according to the “Three Ms” principle). With the purpose of evaluating the potential of this concept, a vegetables garden that works under the principles of organic agriculture, was implemented at UIDE. An agro ecological approach was proposed as the proper way of solving nutrient deficiencies. Thus abundant organic matter (a mixture of wood chip and horse manure) was taken to the garden. This substrate represents a challenge because of its high carbon content which, apparently, immobilizes nitrogen. Our work includes, in a number of trials, the use of rock dust (a source of minerals that conventional agriculture does not consider essential elements). We report results from assays with germination substrates, vermicompost, bocashi, organic mulch, microorganisms isolated in the forest and effective microorganisms activated (EMAs). These experiments were done with the aim of improving nutrients availability to plants. Results indicate that alfalfa and cut grass used as mulch (18 kg/m2) have potential as fast and effective nitrogen sources. Also, rock dust (0.85 g/ml) and ground bone (0.011 g/ml or lower concentrations) might be useful for improving germination substrates.
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